Bare Metal Cloud

Deploy dedicated bare metal machines with ease. Search our live inventory or request a specific configuration.

Why our Bare Metal Cloud stands out

PeaceWeb’s Bare Metal Cloud offers unparalleled performance, complete control, and flexibility. With our dedicated servers, you get the raw power you need for resource-intensive applications and workloads.

Instant Access to Live Inventory

With PeaceWeb, you can browse and select from a live inventory of available servers. This means you get the perfect server for your needs without any waiting time, ready to deploy immediately.

Custom Server Solutions

If you have specialized requirements, PeaceWeb allows you to order custom server setups. Our team works closely with you to build a server that meets your exact specifications, ensuring it performs optimally for your applications.

Complete Control with Root Access

PeaceWeb provides full root access, giving you complete control over your server environment. Customize and configure your server to suit your specific needs, ensuring you have the flexibility and power required for your applications.

Operating Systems

PeaceWeb Bare Metal Cloud offers compatibility with a wide range of operating systems to meet your specific needs.

The operating systems listed below are automatically gathered and include only those that are supported and maintained. If you require End-of-Life (EOL) operating systems, please submit a support ticket as these can be provided under specific circumstances.

Create ticket


Instant Deployment
With our live inventory search, you can quickly find and deploy the ideal server, minimizing downtime and getting your projects up and running without delay.
Benefit from the consistent and reliable performance of dedicated servers, ensuring your applications run smoothly without interruptions.
Enhanced Control
Full root access provides unparalleled control over your server environment, allowing you to optimize configurations and install custom software.
Maximum Performance
Dedicated resources ensure that your applications run at peak performance, with high-speed processing power and reliable efficiency for even the most demanding tasks.

Strategic Locations for Optimal Performance

Global Presence

PeaceWeb is proud to offer a robust network of data centers strategically located around the globe. Our diverse locations ensure low latency, high performance, and exceptional reliability for your business.

's-Hertogenbosch (NL) Coming soon
Known for its historic architecture and vibrant cultural scene, 's-Hertogenbosch provides a strategic location with excellent connectivity across Europe.
The Hague (NL)
As the seat of the Dutch government and a hub for international organizations, The Hague offers outstanding infrastructure and connectivity, making it an ideal location.
Los Angeles (US)
Located in a major tech hub and entertainment capital, our Los Angeles data center ensures excellent connectivity and performance across the West Coast and beyond.
Dallas (US)
Situated in the heart of Texas, Dallas is known for its booming tech industry and central location, providing excellent nationwide and international connectivity.
Miami (US)
As a gateway to Latin America and the Caribbean, Miami offers strategic advantages for businesses looking to serve markets in the southern United States and beyond.
Johannesburg (ZA) Coming soon
Johannesburg is a key economic hub with excellent connectivity. Our data center here ensures low latency and high-speed performance for businesses targeting the African market.

Ready to transform your business?

Experience the power and flexibility of PeaceWeb Cloud™ today. Whether you're hosting a high-traffic website, developing the next big app, or securing your data with robust backups, our cloud solutions are designed to meet your unique needs.